1. Q: When does the second trimester start and end?
A: The second trimester typically begins around the 13th week of pregnancy and lasts until the 27th week.
2. Q: What are the common symptoms during the second trimester?
A: Many women experience relief from morning sickness during this time. Energy levels may increase, and symptoms like breast tenderness and frequent urination may decrease. However, new symptoms may arise, such as back pain, abdominal aches, and round ligament pain.
3. Q: What is the anatomy scan, and when does it happen?
A: The anatomy scan is a detailed ultrasound that is usually performed around 18-20 weeks. It checks the baby’s development and can reveal the baby’s sex if you choose to know.
4. Q: When can you start feeling the baby move?
A: Quickening, or feeling the baby move, often begins between 18 and 25 weeks. It’s common for first-time mothers to feel movement a bit later than those who have been pregnant before.
5. Q: How can you manage back pain during the second trimester?
A: Having your nervous system checked by a chiropractor ensures that your pelvis is sitting correctly to allow optimum room for your baby to grow and move. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction. Doing so restores the neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis; therefore, providing some sort of relief and preparing the body for labor.
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